
    Slip Warning Sign iStock kynny

    The science of Slipology – how scientific methods can slash the risk of slip accidents this ‘Sliptember’

    Traditional slip prevention methods often fall short because they rely on assumptions and general practices rather than solid evidence, but a scientific approach will identify why they occur and how they can be prevented.

    By Christian Harris, Slip Safety Services on 29 July 2024

    London Tube iStock MinoAndriani

    Managing the risk of fatigue: the Transport for London approach

    Worker fatigue could potentially pose a serious risk to the safe running of London’s public transport and strategic road network, but Transport for London has a comprehensive set of measures in place to minimise the chance of tiredness affecting workers’ ability to perform safely.

    By Chris Jones, Transport for London on 19 August 2024

    Woman in AI PPE Gore Tex

    The use of AI to improve PPE design: how the GORE-TEX brand is seeking to lead the way

    Artificial intelligence (AI) offers huge potential for improving the performance, functionality and fit of personal protective equipment (PPE). Material science company W. L. Gore and Associates is already working with stakeholders like apparel and footwear manufacturing partners to explore how the technology can ensure the most effective use of materials, create inclusive PPE that fits all genders and body shapes, and incorporate smart technology with enhanced safety and comfort functionality into garments and more.

    By Leonard Schlichting, W. L. Gore and Associates, and Reza Jamshidi-Azad, GORE-TEX Professional Fabrics on 20 August 2024

    Man With Migraine iStock PeopleImages

    Migraine in the workplace: what needs to change?

    Migraine can have a debilitating effect on an individual’s performance at work, so it’s vital employers take steps to reduce the triggers for an attack and provide adequate support.

    By Andrea Quinn, The Migraine Trust on 21 August 2024

    Stressed Man at Computer iStock RichVintage

    Follow the evidence: how to reap the rewards of effective workplace mental health support training

    Many employers are keen to support the psychological health of their workforce through the provision of different forms of training and employee support services, but it’s vital there’s genuine evidence of the effectiveness of the training and support provided, otherwise the investment will be wasted.

    By Professor Neil Greenberg and Georgina Godden, March on Stress on 21 August 2024

    Floor Being Mopped iStock baranozdemir

    How can we reduce stubbornly high rates of slips, trips and falls?

    While inexpensive precautions for preventing slips, trips and falls have a part to play in any day-to-day risk management system, more expensive options, such as replacing damaged floor coverings, are often the most effective long-term measure for minimising the danger to staff and visitors.

    By Phil Jones, William Martin on 22 August 2024