
    Newton Phil

    Work-related suicide: a complex picture

    Recent high-profile cases of suicide with an apparent link to work pressure provide a timely reminder of the need for employers to both reduce the risk of work-related stress and support the mental wellbeing of their teams.

    By Phil Newton, Pinsent Masons LLP on 06 October 2023

    Official Portrait Of Rachael Maskell MP Crop 2

    Why we need a Respect at Work Code to better protect employees from bullying

    We turn to the law to protect us and to provide a recourse to justice. If you have been a target of bullying behaviour, no such framework exists, unless you are able to identify that the detriment you have experienced is associated with a protected characteristic.

    By Rachael Maskell MP on 06 November 2023

    Kate Gibbs

    Mental health – the invisible adversary for HGV drivers

    Long and lonely hours at the wheel can wreak a heavy toll on the mental wellbeing of HGV drivers, so it’s essential haulage companies do everything they can both to reduce the work-related causes of stress and create an open and accepting environment where drivers feel comfortable reaching out for support with their mental health.

    By Kate Gibbs, Road Haulage Association on 07 November 2023

    Peter Bennett Ladder Association Headshot 500 Wide Min

    Why the Work at Height Regulations must be saved

    By Peter Bennett OBE, Chair, Access Industry Forum (AIF) on 01 February 2023

    Diane Lightfoot

    Workplace adjustments for disabled employees: time to move from ‘why’ to ‘why not’

    Workplace adjustments or accommodations are pivotal in enabling disabled employees to thrive. That’s the message we hear consistently from our 550+ members and partners and that’s why workplace adjustments are one of the 10 pillars of Business Disability Forum’s Disability Smart framework.

    By Diane Lightfoot, Business Disability Forum on 01 December 2023

    Lauren Chiren

    Navigating the menopause maze: why employers must act

    The symptoms of the menopause can have a hugely detrimental impact on a worker’s performance and attendance, but measures such as allowing flexible working arrangements will go a long way to retaining and supporting the affected individuals.

    By Lauren Chiren, Women of a Certain Stage on 03 January 2024

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    41 lives saved must be celebrated. Too many others aren’t so lucky

    The world breathed a huge sigh of relief when, on Tuesday 28 November, 41 miners were rescued from the tunnel they were digging in the Himalayan mountains.

    By Mike Robinson FCA, British Safety Council on 01 December 2023

    Hannah Burton

    AI in the workplace - health and safety friend or foe?

    With the use of AI in the workplace predicted to become widespread, it is vital that employers carefully manage any associated health and safety risks, such as negative health impacts from using AI to monitor people’s work rates.

    By Hannah Burton, Pinsent Masons LLP on 03 January 2024

    Rachel Suff

    Why we need to build supportive cultures around menstrual health at work

    Menstruation is a natural part of many employees’ lives, and it shouldn’t be a barrier to success or wellbeing.

    By Claire McCartney and Rachel Suff, CIPD on 12 December 2023

    Sandra Kerr BITC

    Three critical actions in the journey towards race equality at work

    Accessibility, accountability, transparency: three critical actions in the journey towards race equality at work.

    By Sandra Kerr, Business in the Community (BITC) on 15 December 2023