
    Three Female Executives iStock ShapeCharge

    Pursuing workplace wellbeing through authentic leadership

    By being open, honest and vulnerable in their interactions at work – and genuinely seeking and valuing the input of employees – leaders can develop a workplace atmosphere where trust and respect flourish, in turn supporting the wellbeing, engagement and performance of their teams.

    By Dr Audrey Fleming, British Safety Council on 26 April 2024

    Women at Watercooler Event

    Watercooler Event to hone in on eight trends in employee health and wellbeing

    The free-to-attend Water Cooler Event at ExCeL London on 23–24 April will see more than 6,000 workplace experts coming together to explore the latest thinking, solutions and best practice for supporting and boosting employee wellbeing, diversity and workplace culture.

    By Claire Farrow, Make a Difference Events & Media on 15 April 2024

    Office Team Meeting iStock

    Company culture and wellbeing: a crucial link

    Investing in measures to support worker wellbeing will be ineffective unless the company culture genuinely incorporates values like teamwork, involvement, flexibility and innovation.

    By Bex Moorhouse, Invigorate Spaces on 05 April 2024

    Working on Treadmill iStock martin dm

    Sedentary working and how to combat the ‘sitting disease’

    Prolonged and excessive sitting poses a major risk to our health, but the Get Britain Standing campaign and On Your Feet Britain Day on 25 April are a great way of encouraging workers to sit less and move more.

    By Gavin Bradley, Active Working on 05 April 2024

    Man and woman talking and smiling iStock miniseries

    Office design and culture: happier and healthier staff – or the opposite?

    Applying ergonomic principles to workstation set-ups and ensuring the physical environment supports neurodivergent people are just some of the ways of creating an office where everyone can thrive, but a supportive and positive organisational culture is vital too.

    By Guy Osmond, Osmond Ergonomics on 03 April 2024

    Women Dancing at Festival iStock bernardbodo

    Backstage pass: how do festival organisers keep staff and visitors safe?

    As festivalgoers prepare to pull on their wellies, dig out their sunhats and dust off their tents ahead of another summer of live outdoor events, Safety Management looks behind the scenes at how festival organisers keep the armies of workers tasked with setting everything up safe and well.

    By Kerry Reals on 01 May 2024

    People Looking at Software iStock Jay Yuno

    EHS software: a vital tool for improving safety at work

    Environmental, safety and health software can greatly improve the management of EHS risks and bring wider business efficiencies, but it’s essential to select the right system – and ensure everyone buys into its correct and full implementation.

    By Emma Bundy, Yokogawa RAP on 01 May 2024

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    AI and worker wellbeing: a new risk for employers

    Data generated by machine learning and artificial intelligence at work looks set to play a huge role in boosting both worker health and safety and business productivity, but it’s vital that workers’ data used for algorithmic processing is handled lawfully, fairly and transparently.

    By David Sharp, International Workplace on 01 May 2024

    Group of Men Conflict Training Worthwhile Training

    Making a drama out of conflict training

    Conflict management training can give workers the skills and confidence to defuse or manage aggressive behaviour from customers, service users and the public, but it needs to be relevant, realistic and appropriate for the individual’s level of experience and capabilities.

    By Nicole Vazquez, Worthwhile Training on 01 May 2024

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    Linemen fatalities: a shocking situation

    India’s electrical maintenance workers, or ‘linemen’, play a vital role in keeping the power running to homes and businesses, but unions warn they lack essential safety training and equipment, with often deadly consequences.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 08 April 2024