
    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    Tune in, turn up or burn out?

    What leads to people ‘burning out’ at work, and is this at the root of the so-called ‘great resignation’ we’re seeing particularly in the US, but also here and elsewhere around the world?

    By Mike Robinson FCA on 04 January 2022

    Wellness Istock

    Joining the dots – why health, safety and wellbeing form a virtuous circle

    Most people know and understand why it is important to maintain good ‘health’ and ‘safety’ in the workplace. But how comfortable do they feel talking about ‘wellbeing’ and what’s the best way to go about managing or affecting it at work?

    By Marcus Herbert on 15 February 2022

    Claire Mccartney CIPD

    Flexible working can boost people’s wellbeing

    Nearly two years on from the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic it’s fair to say that for some employees, working practices are remarkably different to anything they’ve experienced before.

    By Claire McCartney is Senior policy adviser at CIPD on 15 February 2022

    Tim Marsh Istocksneksy MED

    It’s ‘good to walk’ – why better wellbeing helps safer working

    Professor Tim Marsh will be speaking at the SHW Live exhibition in Manchester in May on ‘Enabling Individual and Organisational Thriving’, and has written the following for Safety Management on the importance of wellbeing to our safety at work.

    By Tim Marsh on 07 March 2022