
    Istock 2126819202 Credit Triloks 500 Wide Min

    India’s overseas migrant workers: exploitation remains a problem

    The recent tragic deaths of 46 Indian migrant workers in a fire in an unsafe accommodation block in Kuwait has reignited concerns the Indian government is failing to exert sufficient pressure on overseas governments and businesses to protect the safety and labour rights of Indians employed overseas in unskilled and semi-skilled work.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 07 July 2024

    Istock 1366443311 Credit Zvonimiratleti 500 Wide Min

    Migrant workers: safety conditions in the spotlight again

    False claims that migrant workers in Tamil Nadu are regularly being attacked and even killed by people supposedly angry at them depriving the locals of jobs have once again shone a spotlight on the precarious rights and conditions of migrant workers in India.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 06 April 2023

    Istock 1222353460 Credit Srinath82 500

    Migrant workers in India: What protections do they need?

    The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the plight of India’s huge army of migrant workers, as millions lost their jobs in last year’s lockdown and were forced to return to their home villages. We asked three experts what needs to be done to improve the health, safety, employment and social security protections for migrant workers.

    By Gajal Gupta on 01 April 2021