Flexible working

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    The freedom to flex

    As workplaces re-open, many Indian businesses are adopting a hybrid model of office and home working, and surveys suggest employees feel this will improve their work-life balance and wellbeing.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 05 November 2021

    Claire Mccartney CIPD

    Flexible working can boost people’s wellbeing

    Nearly two years on from the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic it’s fair to say that for some employees, working practices are remarkably different to anything they’ve experienced before.

    By Claire McCartney is Senior policy adviser at CIPD on 15 February 2022

    4 Day Week Logo

    Four-day week could boost employee mental wellbeing

    Thirty businesses have recently announced their participation in the UK’s biggest ever four-day week pilot, trialling a 32-hour, four-day working week with no loss in pay from June this year.

    By Grace Robinson, 4 Day Week Campaign on 12 April 2022