
    Istock 94098855 Credit Frhuynh 500 Min

    Firecracker factories: an explosive mix

    The latest in a long series of fatal explosions at India’s firework factories has prompted calls from trade unions and politicians for much more vigorous enforcement of fire safety rules by local fire authorities.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 07 March 2024

    Istock 1279820085 Credit Triloks 500 Wide Min

    Plans for longer working hours in Karnataka factories breach ILO rules, say unions

    The All-India United Trade Union Centre (AIUTUC) has called on the International Labour Organization (ILO) to warn the Indian central government that a planned extension of daily working hours in factories in Karnataka state from nine to 12 must be abandoned because it breaches ILO conventions and declarations which India has signed up to.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 09 May 2023