Employment rights

    Istock 1575785575 Credit Muhammad Farhad 500 Min

    Karnataka IT workers demand end to companies’ exemption from labour rules

    Ahead of India’s general election, hundreds of IT employees held a demonstration against alleged “anti-worker practices” in Karnataka’s information technology (IT) and information technology-enabled services (ITeS) sector outside the Labour Commissioner’s office in Bengaluru.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 09 May 2024

    Istock 1333419619 Credit Amlanmathur 500 Wide Min

    Social security benefits for gig workers: Rajasthan promises action

    Rajasthan’s government has announced a proposed levy on customers’ bookings on app platforms to fund social security schemes for gig workers – and commentators say it’s time the central government adopted a similar scheme nationwide.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 06 July 2023

    Istock 473915722 Credit Bernie Photo 500 Min

    Labour law reforms stalled until 2024 general election

    Although new codes aimed at modernising India’s labour laws have yet to come into force, some states have begun to reform their legislation in a bid to boost economic growth – though critics say vital worker rights are being eroded.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 07 June 2023

    Istock 1077842900 Credit Boonyachoat 500 Min

    11 million people living in modern slavery in India, warn campaigners

    Although the world’s 20 richest countries are fuelling forced labour and account for over half the estimated 50 million people living in modern slavery globally, there are currently more people living in modern slavery in India than in any other country in the rest of the world, an international human rights group has warned.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 07 June 2023

    Istock 1369503388 Credit Lakshmiprasad S 500 Wide Min

    A tough gig

    Although India’s gig workers have long campaigned for better employment conditions and social security benefits, commentators say progress in wgaining them is painfully slow.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 08 February 2023

    Istock 1285040083 Credit Bhupi 500 Wide Min

    Domestic workers: indispensable but unprotected

    Many of India’s domestic workers face exploitation, poor working conditions and low wages, and campaigners say the one of the main reasons is the central government’s failure to introduce nationally applicable laws to protect them.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 07 March 2023

    Istock 1333419619 Credit Amlanmathur

    India’s gig workers launch legal bid for social security benefits

    An Indian trade union has launched a legal bid to win social security benefits for people working for food delivery and taxi apps such as Zomato, Swiggy, Ola and Uber.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 12 October 2021

    Istock 476025464 Credit Pixelfusion3d 500 Wide

    Indian workers strike in bid for improved employment rights

    A coalition of India’s central trade unions held a two-day nationwide strike on 28-29 March to protest against what they say are the Indian central government’s “anti-worker, anti-farmer, anti-people and anti-national policies”.

    By on 06 April 2022

    Istock 1368412299 Credit Lakshmiprasad S

    Indian gig workers fight for social security benefits

    The government has promised to provide social security benefits to workers employed by app platforms, but trade unions say progress in delivering them is painfully slow.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 08 March 2022

    Istock 931149220 Credit Alxeypnferov

    Labour codes to become law in 2022-23, says government

    In line with the underlying essence of the mantra “Shramev Jayate”, the Union Ministry of Labour has started the year with an ambitious plan to implement all four of the country’s new labour codes in the financial year 2022-23.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 07 February 2022